Newsflash #6

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada non muslim. April fool! heh, kadang2 kita menyamput hari orang barat, apa salahnya kan? Hehe. Entry kali ni saya akan sediakan video footage sekali. Tapi sebelum tu saya nak cerita la jugak pasal apa ye. :)

Okay, hari ini saya nak bercerita sikit la tentang politik, pasal demokrasi. Politik ke? Mungkin la kot, saya pun tak berapa terer pasal benda ni. :) Saya ni bukan la penyokong PAS,BN mahu pun DAP, saya cuma seorang rakyat biasa yang tak berapa nak tahu sangat pasal dunia-dunia politik kat luar tu.

Saya agak terkilan la, kita ni negara demokrasi bukan? Tapi kenapa kita ni tak berapa nak boleh bersuara? Kenapa ye? Asal ckp macam tu sikit kene tahan. Haih, habis tu sampai bila la kita nak kena senyap je? Kita ni rakyat kan, mesti ada punya la benda yang kita nak luahkan. Kita mengutuk negara luar, contoh senang la, Singapura. Singapura tu 100x jauh lagi bagus daripada kita.

Saya pelik la, apa la salahnya menyampaikan apa yang kita tak puas hati, bukankah itu satu2 cara supaya kita dapat tahu apa sebenarnya masalah yang ada pada rakyat. Tak semestinya semua kita kena dengar, tapi dengar sikit2 pun jadi la. :)

Okay, sekarang ni saya nak bagi tengok sikit video footage ni, mesti kita malu punya la. :)

So nuff said here, feel free to post any comment, suggestion or critics on the section below. 


*Ingat! Saya ni bukan menyokong mana pihak, cuma melontarkan pendapat dan perasaan saya sahaja. :)*

Newsflash #5

Hello2 again, Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera kepada non-muslim. Dah berapa hari dah ye tak post entry. Hehe, terasa malas pulak these few days. Tu yang lambat post entry baru. Hehe. :) So for today entry i like to talk about "Youth!" Yay! :)

Being a teenager is complicated and complex experience. Not only are there mysterious and frightening changes in our bodies, but our thoughts and body taking on the new direction. Even self perception is slowly changing and we start seeing ourselves in a new light.

We say and do things that we don't want to or meant to, we cannot tell people around us that we are no longer kids, but we are not adults either. We don't know how to control ourselves and and focus on the things that used to interest us or how to express th wave of emotion building up inside.

And there is constant overwhelming  feeling of being alone and not understood. Sometimes even our family, best friend and girlfriend/boyfriend can;t understand our feeling.

There is no one to talk to, who can reassure us that what we think and desire and normal and acceptable. Especially when it come to sex, there is deep sense of guilt, curiosity, and shame that enters our heart and minds. Sex and sexual messages and experiences are all around us, but we can never really find anything we want to know about it. The adults around us ought not to think about sex or feel sexual till marriage, but the truth many of us are sexual from early stage, long before puberty and adolescence.

That is why, it is very important to us to find someone that we can talk about anything while we were in Youth or Teenager stage. Because in this stage we are very crucial time for us to make stupid things or good things. It is very important for us to choose the right friend so that we will choose the right path. It is not our parent duty to find us a good friends, it is our duty. We are not alone in this matter, there is a million or billion of people in this world that we can make friends with. So be careful my friend  in choosing the right path while you still can. :)

So feel free to write a critics, comment or suggestion on the comment section below.


*Saya tulis entry dalam english sebab nak practise english bukan sebab nak tunjuk hebat ye. :) Saya tulis entry ni bukan nak tunjuk bagus or nak bagi tau yang saya ni baik or berkawan dengan orang yang paling baik dalam dunia ni, cuma nak share dengan semua orang. :)*

Newsflash #4

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada non-muslim. Hari ni saya rasa nak masukkan entry fully english. Hope you guys don't mind eh. :)

33 Ways To Get And Maintain Motivation

Being motivated is a wonderful state of your being. In that state your body leverages huge amounts of energy. Your emotional field is totally balanced, physically you’re able to climb the Everest and mentally you understand the whole Universe in a split of a second. I know you know the feeling. The good news is that you can re-create this state pretty much whenever you want. Here are 33 tips to help you get and stay motivated.

1. Ignore The Unimportant

Learning to ignore is a fantastic lesson. Much more rewarding than you think. There must be an art of ignoring and they should teach it in universities. Spanning your focus in so many areas will only weaken you. Ignoring what’s unimportant will free up energy, foster motivation and help you stay focused and productive.

2. Understand What Makes You Bored

And avoid it. Boredom is a nasty place to be. But as any other state of your being can be understood and you can identify the triggers. Once you understand that, you can safely go away from the gray zone. Takes some time but it really worth the effort.

3. Laugh More Often

Watch comedies, read comics. Throw away that ugly seriousness form your face. Laughing is a safety valve for your stress relief mechanism. It actually let it out from your body in bursts. And while you’re laughing you can still learn new stuff, likepersonal development lessons from Dumbo.

4. Keep A Log Of Your Breakthroughs

Do you remember when you had the first major success of your life? No? I thought so. We tend to overlook this simple habit of writing down our feelings every time we have a major breakthrough in our lives. If you want the shortest path to motivation, just keep a log of your successes. And get inspired by it.

5. Exercise

This is one the easiest and simplest way to summon motivation. Just walk out from the office, start doing some pushups or just go for a short run around the house. It will instantly declutter your physical body. Every time you exercise, you produce endorphins. Endorphins are good.

6. Create A Custom Environment

You can’t be motivated if you work in an environment which does not represent you. Make changes, adjust, improve. Doesn’t matter if it’s about your job office or your home. Whatever the space you work in, make it yours somehow, that will lower your unconscious adaptation efforts and you’ll have more time dedicated to the actual tasks.

7. Read Success Stories

Like in other people success stories. Get inspired. Admire them (with caution, but do admire them). Reading about success will make it more available to you and will fuel your efforts towards its achievement. And of course, you can learn how to be successful too.

8. Switch Tasks

You will get bored if you work on the same projects for too long. Boredom kills motivation. Try having several small projects that you can land on whenever you feel you’re on the verge of a burn out. Not to mention that switching tasks will instantly create fresh perspectives, helping you solve problems faster.

9. Assess Your Progress

If you work constantly you will make some progress, that’s a rule. You may have the impression that you’re not going anywhere but that’s because you’re skipping all those little milestones you go through every day. Watching back with satisfaction at what you created will surely boost your energy.

10. Talk About Your Projects

With your friends or family. Let the people know you’re doing stuff. That will often make yourself aware of the fact that you’re actually doing stuff and enjoy doing it. It will also create a certain level of accountability that will most likely push you forward.

11. Avoid Energy Vampires

Naysayers, pessimists, braggers they all are sucking up your energy. Don’t get caught in such power games, avoid at all costs those energy leaks. Even if that means you’ll isolate more often. It’s better to do work in your own secluded realm than to try to resist to a diminisihing environment.

12. Write Clear Goals

Most of the time that translates to actually write down your goals, you already have them clear in your mind. But take them out of your mind, put them in a trusted system and move on. Your mind works better when it knows what it has to do not when it spends time figuring what it has to do.

13. Exercise Satisfaction

Once you finished some task, reward yourself. Give yourself a prize. No need to be a huge one, but just enough to create the habit. Look forward to it while you’re working, wait for it, praise for it. In time you’ll become addicted to this fulfillment satisfaction and you won’t stop until you reach it.

14. Accept Failure

As part of the game. Failure, like success, is just a result of your actions, nothing more. One of the biggest motivation enemies is fear of failure. Fear that your outcome will turn bad. Accept it. It may turn bad, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop doing what you’re doing. Give your best and hope for the best.

15. Use Affirmations

Like writing down your intentions, your goals, your current status. Affirmations are a very powerful tool, hugely underrated. People find it awkward to write self-directed messages and read them out loud. News flash: you’re doing this all the time, unconsciously. So why not doing it consciously? Start with a morning phrase.

16. Play Games

Impersonate people. Imitate animals. Pretend you’re Sindbad the Sailor. Playing challenging games will relax your mind and at the same time will gather more resources from secret sources. A good motivation is always blended with joy. You can start with a simple game like how to get from a to b in 5 random steps.

17. Say “No”

Say “no” to distractions, to trolls, to depression. Exercising “no”’s is liberating. Too often too many commitments are making your life a continuous chore. Limit your promises and only get into things you really want to finish. Once you do that, go to a mirror, smile and start to politely exercise your “no”‘s.

18. Look For Positive People

Sadness, whining and complaining doesn’t play well with motivation. On the contrary. But positive, optimistic, energetic people will always shift your vibration in the right direction. Search them, find them and become their friend. Sometimes all you need to get motivated is to be surrounded by shiny happy people.

19. Difficulty Is Part Of The Game

Learn to work under pressure. Some things are more difficult than other. Accept that fact and focus on doing what you have to do not on your feelings of dissatisfaction. Difficulty is often what makes things worth  doing. No sweat, no glory. Whenever I feel something is going to be tough, I’m usually more motivated to do it. The reward will be higher.

20. Create Personal Challenges

Personal challenges are short term goals, usually from 15 to 90 days. Like starting to exercise, or creating a habit from scratch in 15 days. Using personal challenges strengthen your inner power the same way exercising is strengthening your muscles. The more you do, the more motivated you feel to do even more.

21. Chose Positive Motivation

Whenever you lock in your motivation, do your best to keep it on the positive side, which is rooted in service. As opposed to the negative motivation, which is basically rooted in fear. Negative motivation works just the same, only it lasts significantly less than positive motivation.

22. Release Your Guardians

You do have guardians and some of them are pretty nasty. They won’t let you do your stuff. The bad thing about your guardians is that most of the time they’re working at the unconscious level, really difficult to interact with. Just accept, acknowledge and let them go. You will be much better off.

23. Enforce Your Personal Mission

You gotta have a personal mission. If you don’t, go find one fast. Reinforcing your personal mission at certain intervals is surely one of the greatest motivators of all. It’s like looking on a map and seeing at any moment where you are, how much do you have to go and which path you have to chose.

24. Spend Time Outside

If you can do something creative, like gardening or landscaping, even better. But it’s ok even if you don’t. Spending time outside of your box will clear the air inside. When you get back, everything will be fresher and shinier. And something fresher is always a nice motivator.

25. Keep A Clean Inbox

That’s one of the few GTD concepts I still use and it proves to be a great motivator. A clean inbox helps a smooth thoughts flow. A smooth thoughts flow let me be in the moment without any hidden burdens. Being in the moment is usually all I need to actually start doing things.

26. Don’t Aim For Perfection

It will soon drain you out. Aiming to be better is the real game. Perfection is a dead end, nothing really  happens after you reached to it. Accepting that you can be better instead of perfect leaves some room for growth. And that means you have a reason to do more. And that’s what we usually call motivation, right?

27. Do One Thing At A Time

Multitasking is a myth. Even computers processors aren’t really doing multi-tasking, that’s what we perceive. Instead they have a single frequency and several parallel buses managing information, faking a multi-tasking activity. Multitasking is creating internal conflicts, both in humans and in computers. You end up spending more time solving those conflicts than actually working.

28. Keep A Source Of Inspiring Readings

You’re not always completely down, most of the time you’re just averagish, just one sentence away from your best shape. Be sure to keep around a list of inspiring readings. Quotes, blog posts, ebooks, whatever works for you.

29. Put On Some Good Music

Just let it there, floating around, don’t turn the volume knob. Just enough to recreate a pleasant atmosphere. Music speaks to areas you can’t control with logical tools, yet is so powerful that can completely shift your mood in a second. The only thing better than silence is good music.

30. Don’t Fall Into The Productivity Trap

It’s not how much you do, but how much of it really matters. Doing stuff just for filling up notebooks with tasks won’t make you feel motivated. On the other side, whenever you’re doing something that matters, your planing and organizing activities will just flow.

31. Keep Your Life Lenses Clean

Your camera objective may be blurred but you don’t know. This is why you get the same picture again and again, this is why feel stuck and can’t seem to see any progress. Sometimes all you have to do is to cleaned up your lenses. It takes a little bit of courage but it’s worth the trouble.

32. Clean Up Your House

I know you need motivation for that too, but believe me, it’s a fantastic way to clean up your internal garbage. Cleaning up your house is not a chore, it’s a necessity. Your action paths may be clogged the same way your floor is sticky. And most of the time unsticking the floor will open your mind again.

33. Stop Reading This And Get To Work

It was fun reading it, I’m sure. But it won’t get things done in your place. Inspiration is a good motivator, but don’t abuse it. Now, that you are all energized, it’s time for you to get back to work. Of course, you can bookmark this post for future motivation sessions, but for now, just go back to work.
*Today entry is from a book that I've read, so i just wanna share with all of you and i hope its helped. *


Newsflash #3

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada non-muslim. Jam menunjukkan pukul 3.43 pagi, hujan renyai-renyai. Sepatutnya dah kena mengantuk dah ni. Tapi terasa tak boleh tidur pulak. Ok! Enough with mumbling and lets get with serious talk. :)

Ok kita semua sangat peka dan hebat tentang laman sosial bukan? Mesti tahu punya la kan, zaman sekarang ni siapa tak "Facebook" maknanya dia still outdated. Heh, betul ke? Mungkin betul, sebab bagi saya sendiri benda ini agak perlu untuk connect and reconnect with your long lost friend. Am i right here? I think i am. :)

Tapi yang menjadi persoalaan sangat-sangat ni la kan, kepelikkan yang berlaku di laman sosial ni. Haih, banyak sangat yang peliknya. Mari saya list down kan benda-benda pelik yang berlaku kat laman sosial pada masa ini :

  1. Emo = Post status berunsur emosional contoh "Pukimaak la betina ni, tak reti nak cari laki lain ke? Laki aku jugak dia nak sebat, back off la bitch".
  2. Gangster = Post status berunsur samseng2 gitu contohnya "Lu langsi Lu mati". Haaa?
  3. Desperate = Post status berunsur lame(bukan lama), contohnya "I'm so lonely, need someone". Lagi haaaaa?
  4. Retarded = Post status dengan huruf atau pun ejaan pelik2 contohnya "HaIh MaMaT nI naK kEnE pUkUl kE?" dan "Lapar larx plux, aq narx pegi makan dengan sapew niw?" haaaaa!?
Pelik kan? But that is reality guys, we cant run from reality, we just have to face it. Haih....mengeluh panjang dibuatnya. Firstly saya nak tanya la kan, apa motif sebenarnya diorang ni? Nak jadi famous ke? Macam takkan famous je kalau macam ni. To those who read this entry and done something like I've just list down just now, please stop it ok. Bukannye dengan buat benda2 tu korang jadi gangster pun. Sumpah tak, orang lagi menyampah ada la. Alih2 nanti jadi bahan gelak je. Lagi malu weh.

Tak perlunya kita nak bagi tau kita ni marah sangat dengan orang lain sampai mencarut2 ni. Apa la perangai macam ni, macam orang takda otak la. Kalau rasa marah sangat atau gangster sangat, pegi la jumpa depan2, bukan dengan cara post status macam tu. Seriously, you will look stupid and childish. 

Tujuan laman sosial ni bukan orang nak tau sangat apa masalah orang atau pun nak tau korang nak gaduh dengan siapa ke. Tujuan dia untuk kita stay in touch dengan friends and family. They want to have a healthy community, bukannye community joke macam benda kat atas tu. Kalau nak sangat cerita masalah or what so ever, simply just pm (private message) the person you wanna talk to. Tak payah la nak buka pekung di dada. Sumpah, people don't care!

Ok nuff said here, feel free to leave your comment,suggestion, critics or anything on the comment section below.

*Kalau ada siapa2 marah IDGAF, after all  it's a free country aite? Democrasi kan? Hahah. :) *


Advertisement #2

Just making announcement. This coming 29th of March 2011 8.00pm is Earth Hour. Apa kata kita sama-sama support earth hour ni. Ala bukan susah pun, sejam tak main internet boleh mati ke? Tak kot, so ape salahnye kita support earth hour ni. Tak suka ke bila kita dapat contribute dlm usaha menyalamatkan bumi ni. Harap-harap berjaya la ye earth hour ni. :) Tak rugi apa pun. :)

*For more info about earth hour click here-------------> Earthhour*


Advertisement #1

Blog saya ni blog membaca, so susah sikit la kasi gambar saya tengah makan kat mcD sambil buat peace ke atau tengah melompat and orang snap biar nampak macam terbang ataupun gambar lagi 5 minit nak masuk tidur, takda takda takda semua tu ye. So to those yang harapkan tu, sorry i can't provide you that. Baca kan best :). Allah kita sendiri suruh kita banyakkan membaca, so macam tiada masalah je kat situ kan.

Tehee :)

Newsflash #2

Yay bertemu kembali dengan cerita sensasi dan hangat. Sebelum tu, Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada non muslim. Kitakan orang Melayu, so kita kena beradab sikit.

Ok, kenapa saya highlightkan beradab kat situ ye, ada sebabnye. Sebabnya kali ni saya nak tanya sikit la pasal PEKIDA. Haaa! Ada macam pekida tak? Atau bahasa yang mudah difahami budak2 "3 Line".:)

Apa benda pekida ni sebenarnya? What's the motif of pekida? Apa hubungan dia dengan orang Melayu ni? Is it good? Saya tak tahu la. banyak sangat persoalaan yang bermain-main dalam kepala otak ni duk tertanya2 pasal, "apa benda pekida ni?"

Daripada apa yang saya dengar, pekida is a persatuan that wanna help the Malays. Betul ke? Macam tak je. Haih, bagi saya la pekida is a Malays Gangster. Kenapa saya cakap macam tu ye? Sebab dari apa yang saya tengok, kebanyakkan konon2 PEKIDA ni sangat semuanya macam orang tak berpelajaran je.

Logik ke orang yang tahap education ni agak low, nak tolong orang2 Melayu kita ni? Macam tak logik je. Bukan nak kata tak boleh, cuma cuba kita fikir sendiri, macam mana la kita nak tolong orang kalau diri kita sendiri pun masih terkapai2. Betul tak?

Dan dari apa yang saya tengok lagi. This so called pekida is most probably a Mat Rempit. Apa benda ni? Kalau nak tolong Melayu sangat, recruit la orang senonoh sikit. Doctor ke, Engineer ke, Accountan ke. Niat dah bagus, tapi dari segi perlaksanaan tu kurang nampak sikit la bagusnya.

Tapi kan! haaaa, yang selalu sangat la saya dengar pasal pekida ni, kalau masuk pekida cable nak masuk club mmg cantik, awek senang dapat, apa benda punya advantage ni? Kita kan melayu and muslim. Tak perlu pun nak cable masuk club ni.

Lagi benda yang saya nampak dalam pekida ni, pantang ada selisih faham sikit, terlanggar bahu je la, pun boleh nak gaduh. Siap panggil "Abang long", "Ayahnda"? Hahaha what a joke, lagi bagus kalau kita worship our beloved god and prophet, lagi besar pahala. Saya ni takdak la baguih mana, tapi saya tak bodoh lagi la nak bergaduh2 tak tentu pasal ni.

Haih kalau nak tulis pasal benda ni memang panjang lebar, tapi if somebody think that i'm a joke, do enlightened me. You can leave your respond or comment on the section below.

*Bukan nak jadi baguih cuma menyampaikan apa yang terasa disampai kan*

Iklan sikit ye
IDGAF = I Don't Give A Fuck! :)
Teheee :D

Newsflash 1#

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada yang bukan islam.

Ok lets, start now. *swooosh*
Saya ada kemusykilan terhadap pemerintahan di Malaysia. I'm not a BN nor pembakang, just a concern citizen. Kenapa, kenapa, kenapa? kita tak boleh terima dengan pemerintahan cina (chinese). For me, saya tak pernah kisah pun diorang nak memerintah kerana apa? kerana bukankah mereka juga hidup sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia. Jadi kenapa perlu kita nak prejudis terhadap mereka nak memerintah Malaysia? Just because this country once name "Tanah Melayu" it doesn't show us that we are the one should rule the country and not them. Kenapa? Mungkinkah kerana negara ini bukan nama "Tanah CIna"? adakah disebabkan itu kita tak bagi mereka memerintah negara kita? 

Kenapa mesti kita takut sangat? Bukankah lebih elok, instead of being scared and threatened kita bekerja sama dengan mereka? Bukankah lebih elok macam tu? Betul tak? Betul tak? I know there's must be so many will say "Ah! kalau cina memerintah, nanti habis la hak kita! macam mana kita nak survive." takpun, "cina nanti dia jatuhkan bangsa kita, mana boleh, cina jahat, dia orang kafir". Pikir ni ye, diorang ni takda apa2 bantuan pun tapi boleh survive kat negara ni, siap jadi kaya raya lagi, why not we? Kenapa perlu takut untuk bersaing?

Ok, kenapa mesti nak cakap macam tu sedangkan kita tak pernah try pun lagi kan? Mungkin lebih bagus siapa tahu, betul tak? So feel free to throw your opinion down below at the comment section. 


*Bukan nak jadi racist ataupun nak jadi protestan atau pun apa2 la yang korang rasa, cuma menyampaikan apa yang nak disampaikan je. So jangan nak emo sangat ye, kalau tak aku lempang and satu lagi IDGAF!*


Hello there fellow earthlings! Takda apa nak cakap just my blog will be question and bla bla bla about current situation. Tak perlu nak kenal saya sebab IDGAF!
