Newsflash #11

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada non-musli. How are you? I hope you guys all in good shape yah? Okay, today topic akan membincangkan tentang "FACEBOOK". Yay facebook! Apa sebenarnya facebook ni? Dulu masa saya mula-mula buat facebook, motifnya untuk mencari kawan-kawan yang dah lama lost contact. Sebabnya dulu masa saya buat, semuanya taruk real name diorang. Sekarang ni, macam-macam nama kita jumpa. Nak sebut ke? Tak payah kot, sedar sendiri la kot. Hehe. :)

Facebook dah jadi trend nowdays, bukan lagi keperluan. Siapa takda facebook, dia noob! Kalau kita kenal random orang kat luar sana pun la, 1st kita tanya is, "Ada facebook?". Tengok tu bertapa perlunya facebook ni.

I guess Facebook is not really a place for you, especially if you are a student who craves to be a good writer. It may be a fine place to share your thoughts but not a good place to let people understand your ideas. People in Facebook are lonely people. They love the companion of others, they want attention, they need others to appreciate them, they are always in a hurry, thus explaining why they don't wish to hear very long stories or read incredible ideas of others. Yet, they spend hours a day to satiate their inclusions.  Facebookers are humans. Not aliens from any other planets in our Milky Way.

To be continued ...


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