Newsflash #5

Hello2 again, Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera kepada non-muslim. Dah berapa hari dah ye tak post entry. Hehe, terasa malas pulak these few days. Tu yang lambat post entry baru. Hehe. :) So for today entry i like to talk about "Youth!" Yay! :)

Being a teenager is complicated and complex experience. Not only are there mysterious and frightening changes in our bodies, but our thoughts and body taking on the new direction. Even self perception is slowly changing and we start seeing ourselves in a new light.

We say and do things that we don't want to or meant to, we cannot tell people around us that we are no longer kids, but we are not adults either. We don't know how to control ourselves and and focus on the things that used to interest us or how to express th wave of emotion building up inside.

And there is constant overwhelming  feeling of being alone and not understood. Sometimes even our family, best friend and girlfriend/boyfriend can;t understand our feeling.

There is no one to talk to, who can reassure us that what we think and desire and normal and acceptable. Especially when it come to sex, there is deep sense of guilt, curiosity, and shame that enters our heart and minds. Sex and sexual messages and experiences are all around us, but we can never really find anything we want to know about it. The adults around us ought not to think about sex or feel sexual till marriage, but the truth many of us are sexual from early stage, long before puberty and adolescence.

That is why, it is very important to us to find someone that we can talk about anything while we were in Youth or Teenager stage. Because in this stage we are very crucial time for us to make stupid things or good things. It is very important for us to choose the right friend so that we will choose the right path. It is not our parent duty to find us a good friends, it is our duty. We are not alone in this matter, there is a million or billion of people in this world that we can make friends with. So be careful my friend  in choosing the right path while you still can. :)

So feel free to write a critics, comment or suggestion on the comment section below.


*Saya tulis entry dalam english sebab nak practise english bukan sebab nak tunjuk hebat ye. :) Saya tulis entry ni bukan nak tunjuk bagus or nak bagi tau yang saya ni baik or berkawan dengan orang yang paling baik dalam dunia ni, cuma nak share dengan semua orang. :)*

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