Newsflash #17


So today is friday, and im freakin late. Its 9.33 currently. Arghhhh. I am disapointed with you alarm clock. You usually annoyed me in the morning, but why not today!?

Ahhh ok. Kawan semua apa khabar? Harap semuanya sihat belaka. Saya ni still lah yak tahu nak entry apa.

Hidayah tak sampai lagi. Brain cant work properly with all these work in the office. I need to finish it soon.

Just enjoy the video.


Newsflash #16

Homaigerd!!! After 4 years, so i decide to ranting something again. Internet sure does a good job for people loves to ranting.

As for today ini je la dulu ye? So many things happen these past 4 years. Satu satu kawan dah kahwin, but me? T_T

Anyweisssss, i will update soon about everything, including my boring and soppy lofe. Haha.
