Newsflash #22 -Edisi Star Wars-

Sad but true. When the opening credits filled the screen (Episode VII... blah blah) I was already grinding my teeth because the plot sounded idiotic. Then the huge star destroyer filled the screen.
The fun bit is that the star destroyer had some sort of antenna or whatever at the front and it looked liked the ship was showing the middle finger towards the viewers. 
I have to congratulate the film makers as that was pretty much how the film worked from that point forward. 
1) A droid has important information that must be delivered to the good guys (Episode IV, anyone?)
2) so the bad guys hunt for the droid on a desert planet (IV) 
3) Storm troopers raid a village, killing everyone (IV) 
4) A girl is captured by the bad guys and the good guys rush to the base to the rescue. (IV) 
5) The girl and the boy have a friend zone relationship through the film (Ep IV, Luke & Leia, wouldn't be surprised to learn that they are siblings in Episode IX) 
6) The stormtroopers, elite soldiers of the bad guys, still can't hit a barn door. On the other hand, the good guys always hit, even when they use a weapon for the first time in their life 
7) Supreme Leader Snoke = Emperor with a silly name 
8) The bad guys have a magnificent new weapon that can destroy planets (Ep IV) 
9) They use it to destroy a planet loyal to the rebels (IV) 
10) The weapon has shields that can be destroyed by going down on the planet and disabling the shield generator (VI) 
11) The epic villain wears a mask that distorts his voice (IV) and sadly, looks better with the mask on than without it.
12) The good guys can only destroy the weapon with an attack by X-Wings on the exact target (IV) 
13) The X-Wings have to fly in a tight trench in order to reach their target (IV)
The screen writers had absolutely no new ideas to show for their money. A bunch of monkeys could have written better dialogue. A 1st grader could have made a plot that had less holes in it. The special effects were pretty much of the same quality as in the first Star Wars movie that was released 1977. I'd expect something way better in 2015

Sorry guys, when I'm angry i tend to speak in english. Berlagak tak? 

Pergi mampus!

Yang kata star wars best, korang budak yang sama cakap transformer best. Shitty taste in movie. Nuff said.

And lastly!!! Mana epic music intro macam dart vader when the bad guys come?

Newsflash #21

I can tell it’s real
That glow I feel
Not like it was before I know
You make happiness abound
You have brought me a true love
Like never before
And if you will just let me
I’ll spend my whole life with you
I am such a blessed man
To have you in my life
I have in life one desire
That desire is to make you my wife

Sorry la jiwang kali ni. Rindu melampau pulak dekat kekasih hati ni.


Newsflash #20

Hey ho let's go!

Haha ini maciam mau setahun sekali aku post entry. Hahaha. Maklum lah sibuk bercinta. Nak kahwin lagi. Eh!? Malu!

Silent reader semua sihat? Best kan baca blog aku, walaupun rated 18+ for strong language korang tatap bacain ya? Biasa la tu biasa la tu.

Saja la nak cerita ni, tadi aku pergi pasar malam. Beli makan untuk aku dan family aku. Takda la bombastic sangat makanan aku tu. Bukanlah makanan hipster pun aku beli. Ala typical makanan pasar malam. Yong taufu, nasi ayam roti john. Gedebak gedebuk aku beli habis la almost rm40.

Eh? Kejap!!!! Rm40!??? Woi babi apa!? Mahal gila!!!! Aku terus selak wallet aku balik, mengucap panjang bak hang! Ya allah ya tuhanku nipis terus wallet aku. Babi apa woi!!! Dah la baru kerja, sekali belanja kat pasar malam sampai Rm40 tanpa disedari.

Cup chop chup!

Aku tak cerita lagi kan? Ha aku sebelum ni kena retrenched dengan company lama, so almost 3 bulan jugak la aku menganggur.

So back to my story regarding pasar malam, haaa wa cakap sama lu. Mahal babi woi! Aku bukan duduk KL pun. Hulu selangor oka? Hulu!! Alahai sedih gila weh jadi rakyat Malaysia sekarang ni, kerajaan macam pundek.

Yes memang entry aku sebelum ni aku ada cakap aku tak sokong mana2 political party. Aku cuma sokong whoever can bring benefit to the rakyat ha yang tu je aku sokong. Tak kisah la pas ke pkr ke bn ke. So sekarang ni sokong kerajaan nampak sangat macam orang bodoh. Menyusahkan rakyat nombor 1. Haa dari cerita pasar malam terus cerita kerjaan lak tak pasal pasal.

Nampak tak dia punya marah tu? Haha. Yes aku tak nafikan rezeki itu pemberian Allah swt. Tapi kalau kerajaan menindas rakyat macam ni takkan kita nak diam dan berserah? Berserah is one thing, takkan takda usaha nak ubah langsung? Haaa gitu la gamaknya.

Cerita dia sekarang ni ialah,

Jadi rakyat Malaysia itu adalah kesian

Assalamualaikum, harapnya penyokong tegar kerajaan yang takda hati perut dan bersifat kuku besi ni mati kena langgar dengan basikal secara berjemaah.



Yo Ramadan Kareem!!!

How was puasa? Ada tuang tak? Nope? Good for you. Tak lama lagi nak raya. Acano? Dah beli baju raya? Gua tahun ni tak beli la baju raya. Raya for me just another holiday, for me to ease my emotional and work stress. Al maklum la, orang KL macam aku ni mana ada kampung. Tak pernah rasa pun jam gila babss kat hiway during holiday season. Pagi raya pun dah boleh balik kampung.

Ok enuff with raya, aku tau bani Melayu ni kalau cerita pasal raya cukup suka, sanggup bergolok gadai raya punya pasal.

Sekarang ni aku nak cerita pasal kes budak di Kelantan yang kena dera ni. Menyirap lak aku.

Woi puki nate tino babi hija! Budak 5 tahun kau buat macam tu? Memang babi je aku label kau. Human don't do those kind of thing to human being, summore budak kecik babi! Budak kecik! Kau rotan biasa biasa dah la. Babi apa kau ni!? Muka nak lawa hati macam TAHI!!!

Yang laki pun satu. Pukimak apa? Rasa tak boleh nak bertanggung jawab jangan mencipap buat anak setan!  Budak umur 5 tahun jahat mana la sangat. Aku lagi ekstreme kot masa kecik, lombong selayang tu puas dah aku mandi, mencuri duit mak aku main game bagai habis teruk dah tu aku rasa untuk budak. Itu pun masa aku sekolah rendah. Ni 5 tahun, jahat apa je dia buat? Membunuh? Merogol?

Ooooo panah deh hati kawe ni oyak pasa nate beruk 2 ekor ni. Aku harap kau kena sebat dalam jail nanti. Takda hati perut. Ni la dia orang Melayu kebanyakkan sekarang. Cakap lembut2 depan kita, tapi hakikatnya? Fuck up! Big time!

Wah panah bohh panah! Ok la, malas nak cakap lagi, kepada orang yang baru nak ada anak or dah ada, anak tu rezeki allah rasa tak boleh nak handle bagi orang, ramai lagi orang tak boleh beranak kat luar sana sanggup nak bela anak korang.

Ok la. Vava voom bitchess!

Nak gi minun sirap ais. Hati panas.


Yoooooo btchesss!

How's life? Sucks is it? Tapi aku tak, korang je la. Haha. So pa habaq hampa semua? So hari ni hari khamis pukul 7.18am sekarang ni.

Otw pergi kerja ni, tapi takpa sebab hari ni aku menumpang orang. So dia drive aku tulis entry. Amacam? Caraaaaa kan!?

So hari ni aku nak ranting sikit la, zaman sekarang ni kenapa la orang bangga buat jahat eh? Artist Malaysia as a role model kononnya pun sama. Aku pun bukan la baik sangat.

Jangan nak poyo la,cakap la apa yang korang buat semua aku buat gak, kecuali merempit la. Sebab aku tak suka mat renpit. Haha!

Relax la sikit abang dan kakak, kau nak minum? Kau nak jimak? Kau nak pop? Nak cautut? Orang tak kisah pun. It's your body, people dont give a fuck!

Tapi bila kau post kat kau punya laman sosial yang so called kau self proclaimed sebagai tempat yang sangat sacred dan private tu tapi sebenarnya tak memang la orang bengang.

Kau punya perangai sundal tu simpan sendiri sudah. Bila kau post kat social network secara automatiknya ia tidak lagi privacy. Dan parents, bakan nak jadi parents ni semua confirm la akan hentam kau bangang!!!

You show a bad behaviour, taknak orang lain ikut, you're a fucking bad influence hokei!?

So moral of the story, sebelum nak post fikir sejenak.
"Eh aku nak post gambar aku nampak lurah tetek aku ni rasanya ada orang kondem tak? Aku dah la duduk Malaysia, negara Islam summore, aku ada add makcik pakcik angah alang acik aku semua dalam facebook aku. Rasanya elok ke tak ye kalau aku post?"

Haaa fikir la macam tu. Hotak hade sila pake.

Bye fuckers!

Newsflash #17


So today is friday, and im freakin late. Its 9.33 currently. Arghhhh. I am disapointed with you alarm clock. You usually annoyed me in the morning, but why not today!?

Ahhh ok. Kawan semua apa khabar? Harap semuanya sihat belaka. Saya ni still lah yak tahu nak entry apa.

Hidayah tak sampai lagi. Brain cant work properly with all these work in the office. I need to finish it soon.

Just enjoy the video.


Newsflash #16

Homaigerd!!! After 4 years, so i decide to ranting something again. Internet sure does a good job for people loves to ranting.

As for today ini je la dulu ye? So many things happen these past 4 years. Satu satu kawan dah kahwin, but me? T_T

Anyweisssss, i will update soon about everything, including my boring and soppy lofe. Haha.
